I adopted two hands to feed me ...

... It's hard work training two owners to do what I want.

As an older dog (three human years and counting), I never thought I would see the day when I'd be raising two hands to feed me. I thought I had somehow managed to avoid the mornings of being forced to sleep in past sunrise or having to be conscious that what I eat might end up (in one form or another) on a couch or on a carpet. My youth was spend swimming with my friends in Puerto Rico, basking in the pleasures of the single life.

But, in May of 2013, the people at Wags to Riches decided I was responsible and dedicated enough to leave my carefree days behind and move to America. I was brought to Cape Ann Animal Aid in Gloucester, MA. Once there, my job was to find at least one hand to feed me and teach it to be kind and thoughtful, teach it that you should always stop and take the time to do what makes you happy and to teach it that in the end, the love you give is what your legacy by which you will be remembered

Since I know I am not the only dog out there with the daily struggles of teaching their adoptive hands about the right feeding times, or the right toys to buy or the best places to scratch (**Hint: it's not just behind the ears anymore), I decided that I would make a website to share my story. 

To get started, go and read my first blog post. If you're not convinced that I'm qualifed to be left home alone with my brother for a few hours, let ALONE have my own website, then feel free to move on to those other websites written by dogs.


  • Kody sits shotgun.
  • That's a quarry, not a waterbowl.
  • The cone of shame.
  • Kody can put her own window down.